Welcome to the City Library of Wesseling

The library of Wesseling is located in the basement of the city hall. We store about 26,000 pieces of knowledge and entertainment media, mainly books but we also have magazines, games, videogames (Wii, Switch, PS3, PS4, Nintendo DS), music, audiobooks, Tonies and DVDs.
We also offer a free W-LAN connection, a computer for research purposes and a printer, as well as three laptops to use in the library (you need to be registered as a reader to use the laptops).

If the weather is nice, you can enjoy our little outdoor space in the sun.

How to Register

To register with us you have to visit us and fill out a form we have ready for you. You need to bring your passport or another official document, where your current address is listed.

Children up to the age of 18 years read for free. Adults pay a yearly price of 12€, students, and participants of a FSJ (Voluntary Year of Social Service) and recipients of welfare benefits only pay 6€ per year.

How to Log in

You have to click on the button "anmelden" in the upper right corner of the website. Then you need to put in the number on your library card, your password is your date of birth in the form of "dd.mm.yyyy", please mind the dots between the day, month and year.

For instructions on how to extend your books, please click here.

English Books

We have a selection of childrens books in English and a few other languages such as Polish, Russian, Arabic, Turkish, Romanian, and a few more. You can search over the button "Mediensuche", "Einfache Suche" and after you have searched for a title or author you can select then language on the left side of the page.

We also have some novels in English for adults. If you need scientific books or books for research, feel free to wirte an e-mail with the book title, author and ISBN, we will then try to order the book through the interlibrary loan system which will cost you 2,50€ per book.

For a list of our English books please click here.


We do offer different events for children and adults, all events are held in German.

The button "Veranstaltungen" lists all the events we regularly offer and you can find extra information on the different events on the sub-pages.

Flea Market

We also offer a permanent flea market throughout the year. You find two carts full of books after you have passed the open bookcase and entered into the library. For each book we require a minimum bid of 1€ but you are free to give whatever you see fit for the book you want to buy.

Open Bookcase

At the entrace of the library you will find our open bookcase, it is freely accessible during our
opening hours.
It is an exchange opportunity for books and other media between the citizens of Wesseling. You can simply take ou a book free of charge an in return you are welcome to put in books of your own.

We ask that you don't put any old, dirty or damaged media in the bookcase.